
Crecora National School

Crecora National School opened its doors to the community in 1937. Since then it has progressed from a three roomed building to its current modern premises where it resides today led by principal Michael O'Gorman.

St Nessan's Primary School

St Nessan's National School is responsible for the education of over seven hundred children. They have a dedicated staff of forty-one teachers led by principal Marie McKeogh. 

Gaelscoil an Ráithín

Is í ár bhfís anseo i nGaelscoil an Ráithín timpeallacht foghlama oscailte agus cuimsitheach a chothú ina mbeidh aitheantas tugtha do riachtanaisí gach aon duine agus go mbeidh gach uile páiste sona sásta ar scoil.

Tá uainn i nGaelscoil an Ráithín oideachas iomlánaíoch a chur ar fáil trí réimhse leathan gníomhaíochtaí curaclaim agus seach-churaclaim a chur ar fáil, agus trí gach páiste a spreagadh, go ndéanfaidh siad a dhícheall.   Michele Ní Fhátharta – Príomhoide